105/2015 Directive Seveso III

All companies belonging to the group Renzi fulfill wholly the 2012/18/UE.

We are specialists in the management of the integrated logistics for dangerous chemicals. With the help of our experience, accrued in the systems of safety management provided for by Italian Law Decree 105/2015 within the scope of application of the regulations of the dangerous goods that our customers entrust us, we represent the answer to a state-of-the-art logistic management with a business approach featured by environmental safety and oriented to processes and procedures and to their continuous improvements.

Buildings made for the warehousing of chemicals have very high safety features, able to satisfy even the most careful business: foam and sprinkler fire-plants, fire-doors, smoke detectors, containment basins and tanks, explosion-proof electrical plants and means of transport of goods.

Trained in-business personnel aware of procedures acquired with long-time experience. They contributed to create through the continuous training and updating an actual culture of the methods of transport of chemicals. Moreover we are perfectly aware of the regulation provided for by law for the warehousing of the goods, in particular of fertilizers and pesticides.